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Item Number: 05090026

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Leaving a smaller carbon footprint in the bedroom is easy with ECO SEX , a green sex guide that will inspire both sexual and ecological excitement. Renew your passion for the environment while you recharge your love life - with green sex toys, low-impact lingerie, fair-trade condoms, bamboo bed linens, conflictfree diamonds, and much more. Eco-Sex will help you avoid the sins of green washing while you probe the deeper underpinnings of healthy , chemical -free sex. You'll also tap into the emerging eco-sexual community while shopping for organic aphrodisiacs or logging onto green dating sites. Eco-Sex will open new avenues for the health of the planet and your body.
So go ahead; stock your sexual toolbox,reinvigorate your passions, get serious about sustainability - and join the next sexual revolution.

STEFANIE IRIS WEISS;MA is the author of seven books on topics ranging from yoga to veganism to the beauty myth, and is the coauthor of The Fate of Your Date and Surviving Saturn's Retrun. She has a monthly column in Elle UK magazine and has written for Marie laire, Teen Vogue, and more. A vegetarian for twenty years, she teachs writing and keeps her carbon footprint small in New York City.

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