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  • 【キャンペーン対象商品】【正規品】LELO IDA WAVE(イダウェーブ)コーラルレッド

    【正規品】LELO IDA WAVE Coral Red

    30,800 yen

    When you shake or angle your phone, the main unit is linked! Patented WaveMotion technology realistically reproduces finger movements. You can freely enjoy the pleasure as you wish.

  • 【キャンペーン対象商品】【正規品】LELO IDA WAVE(イダウェーブ)ブラック

    【正規品】LELO IDA WAVE Black

    30,800 yen

    When you shake or angle your phone, the main unit is linked! Patented WaveMotion technology realistically reproduces finger movements. You can freely enjoy the pleasure as you wish.

  • elvie(エルビー)


    35,200 yen

    The cutting edge of vaginal training goods!
    The vaginal pressure is measured in real time in conjunction with a smart phone, and a training plan that suits you is created.

  • kGoal Classic ケゴール クラシック

    kGoal Classic

    31,900 yen

    This is the most advanced pelvic floor muscle training product that makes it easy to understand the sensation of "tightening" through visual and vibration.

  • kGoal BOOST ケゴール ブースト

    kGoal BOOST

    31,900 yen

    For the health of pelvic floor muscles of all genders. No insertion , just sit on top of the device with clothes on and train!This is a revolutionary pelvic floor muscle training item!














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