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For men! Before Viagra!

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●Outer: 6-½" x 1-11/16"
●Inner: 4" x 1"
●Color: Nude
●Made in USA

販売価格:¥25,080 (tax included)
In Stock


Item Number: 02090119

Points obtained: 1140 LPC Points

Ride On is our extender or PPA, created using the Bandit as the model and which is hollow-shaped to fit over the penis.

Created for everyone who has been searching for a softer alternative to the hard, toxic and unsightly models on the market today. Ride On can be used by men with ED conditions or men who want to add girth and length. Also, you can keep pleasuring your partner between erections.

Ride On must fit closely to function well. It does not stretch appreciably to accommodate a longer penis; in this case, we recommend Colossus, a larger version of Ride On.

Made using our ultra supple platinum silicone with a durometer a couple of notches softer than our regular formula. The hole for the testicles is comfortable, due to the material and ability to stretch. The strap around the testicles allows for strong stable stroking.

How to best put on the Ride On.
This instruction guide is the best way, with or without an erection to secure the Ride On. The basic philosophy is to create a vacuum and pull the penis into the Ride On rather than to push. This is best accomplished by rolling the sleeve inside out about one third the way down the shaft. You will see a gripping ridge designed to help stability. Use approximately a quarter's diameter size amount of water-based lubricant divided between the inside of the Ride On and your penis. Too much lubricant will eliminate the friction that helps your penis and the Ride On move as one. We recommend you practice putting it on at least once, before trying with a partner. This will allow you to fine tune the procedure.

With one hand squeeze the Ride On, eliminating the air inside. With your other hand, push the head of the penis into the opening and slowly release the pressure on the Ride On from the bottom up. This is accomplished by releasing the pinkie, then ring finger, middle finger then pointer. The action will pull your penis into place. Unroll the sleeve to the base of your body.

Take the testicle ring and pull your scrotum through the ring as far as possible where the testicles touch the Ride On but are not through. Then pull the ring with your left hand to the left and push through that testicle. Repeat on the other side.

If your penis is not firmly held when using, reduce the amount of lubricant on the inside. Once you start to use the Ride On with a partner, use plenty of lube on the outside. This will make it more comfortable for your partner and also reduce the chance of internal slippage of your penis.

Quick Guide
Roll the sleeve one third of the way down.
Apply lubricant to the inside of the Ride On and your penis.
Squeeze out the air.
Place your penis into the opening and gradually release the pressure.
Unroll the Ride On to the base.
Pull the scrotum through the hole.
Pull to one side and push through one testicle.
Repeat with the other.
Have fun!

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