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BEST 5INTIMINA7月19日 ~ 7月26日

  • INTIMINA Ziggy Cup2 ジギーカップ2 サイズA(スモール)

    INTIMINA Ziggy Cup2 SizeA(small)

    7,700 yen

    The most advanced menstrual product "menstrual disc" has arrived in Japan ! More comfortable to use than a menstrual cup. It can be used by those who want to enjoy pleasure during menstruation.

  • INTIMINA Ziggy Cup2 ジギーカップ2 サイズB(レギュラー)

    INTIMINA Ziggy Cup2 SizeB(regular)

    7,700 yen

    The most advanced menstrual product "menstrual disc" has arrived in Japan ! More comfortable to use than a menstrual cup. It can be used by those who want to enjoy pleasure during menstruation.

  • INTIMINA Laselle Set ラゼル セット

    INTIMINA Laselle Set

    6,600 yen

    Laselle is a training ball born in Sweden.
    based on the advice of midwives and other experts.By connecting balls of different weights, you can use it in up to six different weight patterns.

  • INTIMINA インティメイト・アクセサリークリーナー

    INTIMINA Intimate Accessory Cleaner

    2,420 yen

    Alcohol-free cleaner to clean menstrual cups, vaginal toys, and toys. Formulated to match the pH balance of the vagina. Removes surface impurities in just 5 seconds! This mini bottle is convenient to

  • INTIMINA フェミニン・モイスチャライザー

    INTIMINA Feminine Moisturizer

    2,420 yen

    Helps replenish the body's natural moisture. Glycerin free, paraben free. Tested by Swedish dermatologists and gynecologists to match vaginal pH levels.














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