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BEST 5PUISSANTE8月30日 ~ 9月6日

  •  【ノベルティ対象商品】【PUISSANTE】Le Bisou ル・ビズ

    【PUISSANTE】Le Bisou ル・ビズ

    17,930 yen


  •  【ノベルティ対象商品】【PUISSANTE】Mini Coco ミニココ ブルー

    【PUISSANTE】Mini Coco Blue

    16,335 yen

    "MIni Coco" is a suction toy by PUISSANTE, You can easily challenge orgasm by suction. Even though it is small, it has 10 levels of suction.

  • 【ノベルティ対象商品】【PUISSANTE】Mini Coco ミニココ ルージュ

    【PUISSANTE】 Mini Coco Rouge

    16,335 yen

    "MIni Coco" is a suction toy by PUISSANTE, You can easily challenge orgasm by suction. Even though it is small, it has 10 levels of suction.

  • 【ノベルティ対象商品】【PUISSANTE】Toupie トゥーピー ミント

    【PUISSANTE】Toupie Mint

    10,890 yen

    A new shape of toy from "PUISSNTE" in France! Why do vibrators always have to be the same shape? With 10 levels of vibration and an easy-to-hold design, you can enjoy this toy in any way you like.

  • 【ノベルティ対象商品】【PUISSANTE】Toupie トゥーピー ブルー

    【PUISSANTE】Toupie Blue

    10,890 yen

    A new shape of toy from "PUISSNTE" in France! Why do vibrators always have to be the same shape? With 10 levels of vibration and an easy-to-hold design, you can enjoy this toy in any way you like.

  • 【ノベルティ対象商品】【PUISSANTE】Coco ブルー

    【PUISSANTE】Coco Blue

    21,780 yen

    "C Shape Toy" has both suction and vibration parts ! Body can be freely bent to fit everyone.The smallest, slimmest, and lightest C Shape Toy.

  • 【PUISSANTE】インティメイトジェル

    PUISSANTE Gel intime 

    3,520 yen

    Contains lily extract, 99.6% derived from natural ingredients.The thick texture of this lotion makes it easy to glide on and protects the skin well. Recommended for use with toys!






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