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The 4th sanitary product born in Taiwan, "MOON PANTS". It can hold up to 2-3 napkins' worth of menstrual blood. No napkins, nor tampons you needed! You can start a new sanitary life just by wearing!


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Body: 80% nylon, 20% polyurethane
Crotch: 82% nylon, 18% polyurethane
Absorbent layer: 100% polyester
Waterproof layer: 100% nylon (polyurethane laminated)
Size S: ~82cm
Size M: ~92cm
Size L: ~102cm
Size XL: ~112cm
●Made in China
(All fabrics are made in Taiwan / MIT)

Please do not put it in the dryer.
Please do not wash at high temperature.
Please put it in a net and wash it.
Please do not pull strongly.

販売価格:¥5,500 (tax included)
In Stock


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Item Number: 03090707

Points obtained: 250 LPC Points

For women to be able to live more easily and more freely.
MOON PANTS is a sanitary item created to give shape to such the hope.
Developed and branded together by women in Taiwan, it was completed in the summer of 2019 as the most ideal underwear we can think of.

Until about 100 years ago, women who took multiple births for granted had about 50 periods in their lifetime.
Now we have an average of about 450 period over a long period time from elementary school through 50s.

That's why there is growing demands for quality sanitary products that are safe and reliable.
Just like a tampon liberated a woman's life.
Just like disposable sanitary napkins have greatly expanded women's choices.
The MOON PANTS were developed by women living in the 21st century, and they are the result of their own efforts.

MOON PANTS HEAVY&NIGHT uses three special anti-bacterial cloths to absorb moisture from 3 to 4 tampons (from3 to 4 napkins).
It doesn't leak, doesn't smell, nor you don't have to take out the garbage during your period like you used to, and you don't have to go to the bathroom to change your napkin or tampon.
Even when blood is absorbed, the area that is in direct contact with the skin is much silkier, so you can wear it just like your regular panties.
We recommend that you start wearing it when your period may be about to start. So that you don't have to worry about sudden periods!

MOON PANTS HEAVY&NIGHT is literally during heavy and night time with a high-waisted absorbent sheet for peace of mind while you sleep, and like daytime, they have a smooth fit.
It's a thin cloth that doesn't make you feel pressured, but it protects your waist well so you don't have to worry about getting the sheets dirty. It has a deep inseam, so we recommend it not only for evenings, but also for heavy days, long meetings, and other days when you have to be still.
It's not a disposable sanitary product, so you don't have to take out the trash, and it's safe for the environment and economical.

Typically, on heavy days (like the second day), 30ml of blood is produced.
MOON PANTS HEAVY&NIGHT absorbs 15-20ml of moisture, so we recommend using a tampon, with a menstrual cup, or a change of MOON PANTS on heavy days.

This product is recommended for women of all ages, from children who have just started their period, to those who wear sanitary pads all the time because they don't know when their period will come, to those who suffer not only from menstrual bleeding but also from urine leakage.

Let's enjoy our own life more freely with MOON PANTS.
Sanitary products that support women's social advancement.
Let's free ourselves from the curse words to bind women, "Be like a woman", "You're a woman", "You're a woman"... Let's make our ideal society and our way of lives in our own words.
It is well worth it, for we are worth it.

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