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  • La Nua ストロベリーココナッツローション 100ml

    La Nua Strawberry Coconut Lube 100ml

    3,751 yen

    Eco-friendly and ethical, La nua's water-based lube is kind to the earth, people and animals. The sweet strawberry-coconut fragrance is intoxicating.

  • La Nua ハニーバニラローション 100ml

    La Nua Honey Vanilla Lube 100ml

    3,751 yen

    La nua's water-based lube is eco-friendly and ethical. Beautifully designed in a recyclable glass bottle. The lube has a sweet and slightly bitter honey vanilla scent.

  • La Nua シリコンローション

    La Nua Silicone Lube 100ml

    5,610 yen

    Silicon-based lotion made of high-quality premium silicone. Even with a small amount, you can enjoy a smooth gliding sensation without drying out all the time.

  • La Nua ウォーターメロンミント ローション 100ml

    La Nua Watermelon Mint Lube 100ml

    3,751 yen

    Eco-friendly and ethical, La nua's water-based lube is kind to the earth, people and animals. This refreshing lube comes in a bright glass bottle and is water melon mint flavored.

  • La Nua 無香料ローション 100ml

    La Nua Unflavored Lube 100ml

    3,751 yen

    Eco-friendly and ethical, La nua's water-based lube is kind to the earth, people and animals. It is unscented, so you can use it naturally in your play.














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