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The dildo with a bumpy texture is here! The slightly realistic shape of the dildo is also soft pink and rainbow colors, so it doesn't feel at all naughty.



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●Workable length:155mm
●Average diameter:30mm
●Grith of the tip:5mm
●Made in Spain

販売価格:¥13,530 (tax included)
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Item Number: 02090195

Points obtained: 615 LPC Points

This is a short, thin, small sized dildo.
Like all BS dildos, it's very springy to the touch. It's soft enough to bend with one hand. However, it doesn't become squishy when you insert it. It is soft and glutinous, but because the elasticity is high, I will insert it from now on! It will work firmly when you say. The surface is moist and sticky, not cold and hard.

The whole product has a loose curve and is designed to stimulate both the G- and P-spot. You can put it inside and tighten or loosen it with the force of your vagina, piston it with your hand, or enjoy the stimulation inside by spinning it around.... It's perfect for those who have never used it before but want to enjoy the sensation of penetration, or for those who are new to harness sex. Compared to the standard BS toys such as "Quinn" and "Britney", this is a slightly slimmer dildo with a 2cm longer insertable part and a slightly slimmer diameter.

Also, pay attention to the foundation part! It is a super thin foundation with a thickness of 5mm. The good thing about the thin base is that it follows the body's line easily. When I touch it, the foundation part is also pimply and soft as well as the insertion part. You'll enjoy the feeling of being snug against your bare skin, rather than being pressed against it.

Because the tip part is shaped slightly realistic, I recommend very much to those who want to enjoy the feeling of insertion into the plump! When you insert it, you can feel the unevenness, of course, a slightly depressed place like the shape of a soya bean, stimulate you to push up so as to wrap the belly side, you can deepen the feeling. It's almost lifelike, but with gentle pastel and rainbow colors, it doesn't feel naughty at all.

BS is a women's company run exclusively by women in Spain.
Originally designed by Sabela Dopazo and Beatriz Higón, who made art as sculptors.
Only a limited number of dildos are made in the world.
The highest quality silicone is used, so naturally there is no rubber smell or scientific smell at all. It can be used as is without condoms.
For more fun sex. Of course you can do it alone!

【The lesbian staff tried it out.】This is the harness that goes well with this dildo!
「yoke harness」
☆「Denim Harness [Black]」

Using the ideas

BS dildos have a sticky surface and are soft enough to push back with your thumb when you hold them in one hand. If you're looking for something soft, this is the one!

The 6 colors of the rainbow are loved as a motif for LGBT rights.
In fact, each color has its own meaning.
Red = Life.
Orange = healing.
Yellow = Sun
Green = Nature
Turquoise = Art.
Purple = Spirit


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FAQ about products

Q Which harness should I use? A It has a root diameter of 40mm and can be used with any harness sold by the Love Peace Club. (including interchangeable rings).
Q Do I need a condom? A These dildos are made by hand, one by one, with a level of silicone that is safe for the body. There is no need to consider the effects of environmental hormones, etc., and it can be used without the use of condoms. It is also comfortable to the touch, so please use a water-soluble lotion or the like as is. Also, since it is made in a narrow shape, a normal size condom may fall out. However, if you use it on the anus, please do not put it in the vagina without washing it. If two people take turns using the condoms, please discuss it with one of them.
Q Do you need lotion? A We recommend using a water soluble lotion! Silicone lotions and oils can damage the material, so please be careful.

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